This year, students will get to enter up to 3 songs for each lesson which they are enrolled in Music Matters Summer Music Festival.
The goal of the festival is to motivate students to prepare & perfect their piece to get their best "Take" on video and to showcase what they've been working on in private lessons. Since we were unable to have our traditional recital in May, this festival takes the place of that live performance and gives students a virtual stage!
Once students have made their video, they submit it and wait until the "Festival Window" where families and friends are invited to our website to see the videos arranged by categories. We will also have an edited highlight video that we will be live streaming on our social media platforms. We will announce this to all students who have entered ahead of time.
We have added a full list of prizes and we will be awarding 12 Winners for their hard work! In our festival, ALL students are winners and that is why we are giving a small swag bag of gifts to ALL who enter the festival!
Registration begins on Friday, July 10th and goes until 11:59 P.M. on August 21st.
Beginning, Friday, July 10th, students can register in the store or by calling the store at 727-834-8856. During registration, we will ask you to supply an email address, phone number, student's full name & age. We will send you a form to the email address provided and give you submission information.
When you register, you will pay the festival fee of $25, which includes up to 3 song submissions for EACH lesson that the student is enrolled in at Music Matters. It also includes a swag bag for every student (MM Summer Music Festival Tote Bag, Star Trophy, Magnetic Picture Frame, Certificate Signed by Their Teacher & a Star Lollipop), a chance to win one of 12 prizes and editing of their video should editing be required.
Families and friends can view all entered videos arranged in categories on www.musicmattersacademy.com from August 24th-September 24th!
The festival is completely free to view during this time period & while all videos may be viewed, you only view what you want instead of having to sit through a long streamed event. We will also live stream highlights of performances on our social media platforms in September. We will notify all students/families who have entered ahead of time for the live stream event.
Student videos will be placed into one of the following categories:
SOLO Vocal, Brass, Woodwinds, Percussion, Strings
DUET (Two or more performers)-Vocal, Brass, Woodwinds, Percussion, Strings
GROUP PERFORMANCE (Three or more performers)-Vocal, Brass, Woodwinds, Percussion, Strings
ORIGINAL SONG Students can enter singing, playing or singing & playing an original song, but it must be 100% written with their own original lyrics & music or performed a'Capella with original lyrics if original music is not written
MM Summer Music Festival is only open to both children and adults who are either current Music Matters students or to any student who is no longer enrolled, but took lessons at Music Matters during 2019 or 2020. Current students must be caught up on tuition to enter.
Students need to complete registration in order to submit their videos. Once registration is complete, students may enter between 1-3 videos for each lesson that they are enrolled in at Music Matters. Students may duet or perform a group performance with their teacher, family or friends even if the other people are not music Matters students. Students should NOT introduce themselves in the video.
Example: If a student was enrolled in guitar and voice, they would be able to submit up to 3 song performances for voice and up to 3 for guitar.
Each video needs to be limited to 4 minutes in length. Videos may not contain foul language. We will contact you if we deem something inappropriate so it can be fixed and re-submitted.
Students may perform with or without background music. If a student is singing to a track, it is recommended that the track be instrumental instead of one that includes a vocalist. If a student has timing issues and only feels comfortable performing along with a vocal track, they are strongly encouraged to use a microphone or be able to be heard over the vocalist on the track.
Students may add backgrounds to their video and they are encouraged to have fun with the process. Vocalists may not use auto-tune or other pitch enhancing software/tools on their vocals.
Videos must be submitted during the entry window, which is July 10-August 21st in order to be eligible.
Music Matters will choose 12 winners and will display winning names on the recital page on August 30, 2020.
Winners will be chosen based on the following criteria:
SONG PREPARATION-We want to see that the student has taken the time to properly prepare their song(s) and that the student knows their music arrangement thoroughly. We aren't looking for flawless perfection, but we are looking for effort to be put forth. Vocal students should know their lyrics, song changes, timing tempo the same way that students playing an instrument should know how to use proper fingerings, tempo, etc. and showing off the techniques they have learned in lessons.
PERFORMANCE QUALITY-We are looking to see the student fully immersed in their performance. We don't just want to see a student playing or singing through a piece, but we want to see the feeling/emotion in the song. If you're enjoying the performance and having fun, we will love it!
VIDEO PREPARATION- If a student has a mic & amp or karaoke microphone for vocals or clarity of their instrument, it is suggested (though it is not necessary). We are looking to see that the student made an effort in preparing their video. This means the video is stable and we can hear the performance, the student is dressed nicely and either had a family member, friend or teacher help take the video so we could see the student and get the best version of the performance.
TALENT-We are looking to see talent along with the above points of criteria.
SONG SELECTION- We want to know why the song was selected, how the student feels about the piece, how long they have been working on the song & how appropriate the song is for the festival.

Music Matters reserves the right to extend/change the date of the contest/ alter festival viewing window/live stream date if necessary. Students will need to pick up entry gifts & prizes inside the store. Winners will be announce on www.musicmattersacademy.com on August 30th. Students who complete registration are granting Music Matters permission to use videos, photos & names of students on www.musicmattersacademy.com, Faceoook, Insagram &Twitter solely for the purpose of the contest & contest/store promotion. Music Matters has the authority to reject any video that is inappropriate and has the authority to edit any video that